
News & Events

Summer Institute 2019: Testimonials

Summer Institute 2019: Testimonials

The 2019 Summer Institute was a success! Thanks to all the participants both onsite and online. May we momentum going, because the timeless and evidence-based message of meaningful living is the most economic and promising way to promote positive mental health in a...

Spiritual and Cultural Care Conference 2019: Integrating Healing with Growth through Meaning Therapy — Beyond Psychological Disorders (April 12, 2019)

Spiritual and Cultural Care Conference 2019: Integrating Healing with Growth through Meaning Therapy — Beyond Psychological Disorders (April 12, 2019)

Integrative meaning therapy (MT) is a recent extension and integration of Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy with cognitive behavioural therapy and positive psychotherapy. As a pluralistic and integrative therapy, MT can be tailored to the needs of each individual clients based on their innate capabilities in meaning-seeking and meaning-making.

Articles & Resources

From Solution-Focused Therapy to Meaning-Focused Therapy

From Solution-Focused Therapy to Meaning-Focused Therapy

The WHO World Mental Health Survey (WMH) shows that trauma exposure is common; about 70% of people experience lifetime traumas. If untreated, trauma leads to depression, PTSD, and suicide. Suicide rates in the U.S. have increased nearly…

The Current Mental Health Crisis and Meaning Therapy

The Current Mental Health Crisis and Meaning Therapy

The WHO World Mental Health Survey (WMH) shows that trauma exposure is common; about 70% of people experience lifetime traumas. If untreated, trauma leads to depression, PTSD, and suicide. Suicide rates in the U.S. have increased nearly…

Death and Dying

Death and Dying

The moment we are born, we are thrown into a precarious existence in a dangerous world; almost anything can end our earthly existence: accidents, diseases, disasters, or violence. No matter how carefully we avoid death and prolong life, sooner or later…

Coping and Stress

Coping and Stress

Stress is an inevitable aspect of living. In everyday parlance, stress refers to an emotional state of pressure, tension, or distress because of certain demands, actual or imagined, that threaten our psychological or physical well-being. These demands may…



Logotherapy, founded by neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl (1905-1997), literally means “therapy through meaning.” It rests on three inter-related pillars—freedom of will, will to meaning, and meaning of life—and its main…

The Positive Psychology of Meaning in Life and Well-Being

The Positive Psychology of Meaning in Life and Well-Being

Evidence is accumulating that demonstrates the important role of personal meaning in well-being and quality of life. This paper introduces a meaning-centered model of well-being consisting of three factors: positive affect, personal growth and reduction…

Viktor Frankl’s Meaning Seeking Model and Positive Psychology

Viktor Frankl’s Meaning Seeking Model and Positive Psychology

The main purpose of this chapter is to introduce Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy to the 21st century, especially to positive psychologists interested in meaning research and applications. Frankl’s radically positive message of re-humanizing psychotherapy is much…

The Meaning-Centered Approach to Addiction and Recovery

The Meaning-Centered Approach to Addiction and Recovery

The problem of addiction has reached epidemic proportions, affecting every segment of society. About 1 out of 6 is dealing with some form of addiction problem. The track record of addiction treatment has not been very promising, with relapse rates…